We are not big into celebrating Valentines Day. I did however this year make some cards and small gifts for Mick & Izzy. I plan on having a nice meal tonight and giving them my gifts then. Mick had to leave before we were awake this morning. However, today I got a surprise. Mick bought me a beautiful bunch of red & white roses. It has been a long time since he bought me flowers and I have to say, it really did make my day. It's been hard to take the smile off my face. I feel blessed today and everyday to have him in my life. I feel very grateful for what we share. Valentines day in my opinion should not be the only day we celebrate our loved ones. However, it has made me stop and think about how much I love my family. I am GRATEFUL!!!:D
Posted at 01:26 PM in family | Permalink | Comments (0)
Cooler weather... I was excited yesterday when the change come through. We were actually in the pool when the change hit. It was chilly getting out of the water. It actually felt refreshing to get out. That was a really nice change. We were in the car last night exactly 24 hours after we had been in the car the night before and there was a temperature difference of exactly 24 degress. That is huge. You wouldn't think that there could be a 24 degree difference. The temperature range was 42 down to 18. 18 is a magical number for me. No too hot and not too cold.
Sleeping in my bed alone... I had my bed to myself last night. Mick and Izzy camped out in the lounge room on a matress on the floor. Izzy likes to do this every so often. She has been fragile this week so when she asked her daddy if he would camp out with her, he didn't hesitate. I used to think it was strange that "old" people used to have separate beds. I so get that now. I so love being able to stretch out and not feel anyone. I love cuddles, but when I am sleeping I don't like to have limbs over me or be touched. Mick's limbs are very heavy let me tell you lol.
Having a good day so far. Bit difficult this morning getting Izzy off to school, but all in all a pretty good day.
Posted at 12:34 PM in family | Permalink | Comments (1)
I have a love/hate relationship with computers and technology. Just to let everyone know that if you have been emailing me([email protected]), my email has not been working. I have just found out this morning that my email account had to be rebuilt. (no viruses, just my email was corrupted) I could send email but not receive. If you have sent something to me that needs my attention, would you please re-email now. It is up and running again. We have just had some test email come through.
Posted at 12:29 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Happy birthday Treno. We visited Treno this morning as he is a miner and on permanent afternoon shift. We can't get together for dinner so we had cupcakes and birthday sing-a-long this morning. Trina and the girls made awesome cupcakes. Firstly we sang happy birthday to Treno and then to me. Trent and I almost share a birthday even though we are 2 years apart (me being older). Our visit had another purpose as well. Our neice Shelby started kindy yesterday. She looks so very grown up in her uniform despite her bag being as big as she is (lol). We got a couple of pics of the girls together and headed off to take Izzy to school. I didn't take a picture of Treno for his birthday. Bum. Hopefully Trin will send me one. It was a great way to start the day. I love my family and feel very blessed to have them close by. Thanks Trin for sending us to work and school with a goodie bag for morning tea.
Izzi mick and I went to the Gold Class Cinema at Macarthur Square on Friday night. It was on Izzi's wish list. She had the best time reclining in the arm chairs. We went to a divine chocolate shop on our way home and had hot and cold chocolate drinks and strawberries dipped in chocolate and a chocolate brownie. I am surprised that we are still alive. I think out heart and arteries didn't know what hit us with the intake of chocolate but it was divine. Mick posted a comment on fb that made me laugh. He said "if I die on the way home, I would go happy".
Here is mick and izzy lapping up the luxury of the gold class cinema.
Posted at 01:13 PM in family | Permalink | Comments (0)
Can you believe that a entire month of 2011 has gone already. I am blown away. I decided to do a quick share of photos for the month of January. I can't believe how much we packed into 4 short weeks. Here's a sneak peak at our month. Izzy started school yesterday. We have photos but she is not very happy. She started at a new school and was very nervous and worried. I will get better photos in a few days when she settles more and is happy to have her photo taken.
Posted at 05:31 PM in family | Permalink | Comments (1)
well it's taken 10 years, 1 month and 12 days for our first visit to the hospital since izzi was born. we've been pretty lucky i'd say. well according the to nurse in the hospital anyway. izzi cut her foot on an oyster shell while we were down the coast on the weekend. it was our first afternoon and she was in the water for 2 minutes. she walked out and said i've cut my foot. she didn't feel she said. she just saw blood in the water. it was pumping out of her. the cut was deep and a very clean slice. i knew it needed stitches as soon as i saw it. 4 hours in the hospital at milton and she has her first stitches. she's been pretty excited about it really. loving being loved on by her mumma and nana.
heres a couple of pics we took with my phone while she was getting her stitches. she was a very good patient. no tears and very co-operative with the doctor who was super sweet to her. we couldn't complain about how she was treated. not for a minute.
Posted at 11:51 AM in family | Permalink | Comments (4)
izzi has been hanging with us at work due to the fact that it is school holidays. she is absolutely no trouble at all and brings new stuff to do each day. she made a bunch of stuff last week to send her friend from school a package in the mail. how i wish i had happy mail like she sent. she made stuff out of paper, drew pictures, made a card, made beado animals, hairclips just to name a few. she even made coupons inviting her friend to different things to do over the holidays. how thoughtful and sweet!!!
i love this pencil case she made. she did it all by herself. she had help from daddy clamping it while the glue dried, otherwise all painting and decoration and assembly was done by her. i love that she loves crafting and making things. i am glad that she takes after me in something. i am happy to share my passion with her.
have a happy day, we are :D
Posted at 12:25 PM in family | Permalink | Comments (1)
hi all. i have been soaking in the delight of holidays. wishing everyone a HAPPY & HEALTHY 2011. whilst i have been back at work this week, i have not felt stressed or agitated like i normally feel. having izzi still on holidays, makes us feel we are too. we have a very flexible schedule which is helping to keep stress levels down. we have been taking each day as it comes and i love not having a timetable. with that said we did just sit down and work out what we still need to fit in before the holidays end which includes a trip down the lake conjola next week, yay! (thanks treno & trina for letting us use the van). before the holidays started, i got izzi to make a list of the things she's like to do this holiday. heres the list.
1. go to luna park. (we have changed this to go to the roller skating rink once i told her i wasn't going on the rides this time)
2. buy 4 fish. (she has revised this plan and now wants a bunny. we gave our cage away so we now have to work something out)
3. buy a bird. (see revised comment above)
4. go to gold class cinema. (we are doing that the week after next)
5. buy a manual car. ( well needless to say, this just isn't happening)
6. use smiggle voucher. (did that pretty much first day we were back from holidays down the coast)
7. build-a-bear. (not happening. she just went for her birthday in december. she can do that next school holidays)
i told her we wouldn't do everything on the list, just a couple. well we have achieved alot and some are still in the planning stage and we have done some extra stuff as well. i had to laugh at the manual car one. yes she really did mean a "real" manual car. she has been driving since she was 7 (she just turned 10 in december) and now wants to learn a manual. boy she keeps me on my toes. she knows that we had "old bombs" when we were growing up and so she wants one.
i have been busy planning my year ahead and have a list of goals.
i have never really focused on goals and i feel this is a year of change for me. i am feeling very positive and full of energy and anticipation. i am feeling so grateful for what i have in my life. i have been watching the harrowing pictures of the QLD flood disaster and thank god that we are safe and have so much to be grateful for right now. my heart goes out to all those families who have lost so much. i will share a list of my goals in another post however i wanted to share something i have been thinking about and working on for the past couple of months. rather than selecting "one little word" to live by this year i decided i would create my own manifesto. these are a bunch of words to live by. things that inspire me to be a better human being.
Over the past couple of months, I have been doing some major soul searching. I have been questioning myself constantly. I have been feeling down and not quite sure why. I have asked myself “WHAT DO I LOVE ABOUT MY LIFE AND WHAT I DON’T”, “WHAT DO I WANT TO DO WITH MY LIFE”? There are so many areas in my life that I feel blessed and grateful for, however upon reflection, there is so much that needs to be worked on the make me TRULY HAPPY. I realized I needed a plan. Things cannot magically change just because I make a wish. I wish it was that easy. Izzy and I have been talking heaps about goals and making lists and making plans. Setting goals and going after them, is something that I think is super important for izzy to learn about. I think my failures in many areas of my life is because of the lack of a plan or something to shoot for. I plan to change that this year. The best way for Izzi to learn is to have role model who is actively doing what we have been discussing. I have a clear set of goals to achieve. Each area that I want to change is going to take a lot of time and effort to achieve. But hey that’s what will make is so rewarding when I ACHIEVE them. Whilst I was working on my plan, I realized that one of the most important changes I needed to work on was Relationships. That is with the people that really matter. I am going to focus on the relationships that truly mean the most to me. I am going to stop worrying about trying to please others and those relationships that are just too hard. I am not going to worry about the people that like to hurt me. I will be focused on the relationships that make me feel happy to be alive. I don’t need you hurtful people. You are too much hard work and energy. I need my energy for all the good stuff. I don’t need to be a people pleaser ever again. I just need to please myself. I need to be HAPPY. My happiness and unhappiness directly affects my family. Since they are the most important people in my life, they are the ones that deserve me to be happy. The other people who I am trying to please don’t deserve the good me. Mick, Izzi and mum & dad deserve the happy me. It’s a funny thing about being a wife and mother, the happier you are, the happier your family is. The mood you are in directly effects everyone else in the family. I need to be more POSITIVE AND HAPPY AND FUN. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT RELISATION I HAVE DISCOVERED. In making this realization, I need to make some changes to my attitude. I have to stop sitting back and waiting for the good stuff. I have to go after it and it’s up to me and me alone. To be able to do this I have to have a BULLET PROOF POSITIVE ATTITUDE. So while thinking about this bullet proof positive attitude, I decided that I needed a “PERSONAL MANIFESTO”. This will be my guide, my mantra. Something to refer to daily. Not just a single word or line, but a bunch of phrases that is the essence of what I want to become and how I WILL BE living my life in 2011. This manifesto has been worked on over the past couple of months, fine tuning and rewriting to get it to be exactly what I want to be. I love typography and quotes and words. i feel a bit goofy about this i suppose however a man wasn't put on the moon without a plan. i am in desperate need of computer skills to pull off a nicely framed print to hang on my wall but here is what i have at the moment. LOL!
Hope your 2011 is the best it can be.
Posted at 03:41 PM in family | Permalink | Comments (3)
Well I forgot my camera today to upload a pic of one of the cards I have created with stuff out of the mini catalogue. However, so I have something FUN to share, I have a pic to share of a cute little reindeer (my skills are very limited, so don't be too hard on me) that I painted on the shop front of my work today. I have painted others throughout the showroom as well. The picture is bad, as it is hard to photograph windows without reflections lol.
I had this idea to make the showroom a bit more fun for December. Thinking of doing some holly too. I want to paint all the shops in our section of the street. Not sure the other shop owners would be too thrilled. LOL.
This pic is from my phone so I don't know how to turn it the right way round. Sorry for making you have to turn your head. He is so cute. Won't be online tomorrow. I am having a shopping day with my mum to get our Christmas presents. I have a clear plan in mind and hope to have it completely finished by tomorrow arvo. I am also buying birthday presents for both Izzy (8th Dec) and Mick (28th Dec). Yes December is a super expensive month for me. Looking forward to hanging with my mum. I am also looking foward to a girls night out tomorrow night for Shaz's birthday. Have a great weekend. Bxxx
Posted at 05:56 PM | Permalink | Comments (2)